Adventures in Africa

One down

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Ok, I got a place to live. It is in a wicked area (Little Italy) and is cheap enough for me to afford food and maybe a pair of jeans once in a while, at least until steady with a job. 2 roommates to share the top 2 floors of a 3-level house with. Just like my last living situation before I moved to Kenya but this time I don't know the roommates. They seem nice. And there is a 24-hour grocery store just 2-minutes from my doorstep. And it is the BEST neighbourhood in Toronto. Hands down. So that is good.

It has been quite stressful these past few days. I am finding that I am short with people and getting irritated by silly things. I scream a lot more here than I used to but in Kenya screaming at people was necessary to get anything done. I'm not sure yet how it will work here. I don't want to be bitchy but I think the screaming is better than holding things in and simmering with rage in silence. We'll see.

2 more people said I look taller. Ok, that is just messed up.

Sorry to Karen for insulting her driving skills in the last post.

I went for Dim Sum this morning and had pigs feet and they still had HAIR on them. Gross. I only tried them because I was hoping they would taste like bacon. They didn't.

2 Responses to “One down”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I say scream. It cleanses the liver. Or something like that.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hurray you have a home! I hope Little Italy = Lots of Gelato!

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