Adventures in Africa


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In the airport waiting to board the plane back to Canada. Yikes, I am not looking forward to going back. I am VERY excited to see all my family and friends. But I know that what is really waiting for me as I step off the plane is the stress and responsibility of finding a job, finding an apartment, figuring out schools, beginning the process of studying for GMAT, etc, etc...

It is kind of taking away from the excitement of my homecoming!

My last couple of days in London were fun. After Camden Market (and rain) on Saturday, we went to a club that night (and somehow managed to avoid paying cover - I'm not sure how). Sunday we checked out a few of the parks and then went to a "NUN FUN CHURCH SEARCH" that was a fundraiser for Dave's friend who wants to raise money to put on a play for the Fringe Festival. It was basically a tour of churches around London. A bit dry but Dave and I were making wisecracks the whole way through and thus made our own fun.

I have the worst heartburn EVER. I think it is a combination of the indian food, my malaria pill (last one - they always give me heartburn) and the stress of coming home. I think I will have a milkshake. That usually helps. :)

I can't believe it is over.

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