Adventures in Africa

Cape of... (fill in the blank)

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Cape of Beautiful Scenery - Wow it is gorgeous here. Did I mention that yesterday? The drive to Cape of Good Hope with the 12 Apostles on one side and the Atlantic on the other... unbelievable. The pictures won't do it justice.

Cape of Vomit - I ended up joining a mini-bus of other tourists to head down the cape to check out Simon's Town and the place where to 2 oceans meet. A great experience marred only by the constant vomiting and crying of a 2 year old sitting in front of me. The smell, the horrible smell. WHY!?!? The pictures won't do it justice.

Cape of Dancing Germans - There are a lot of Germans here. And when we were checking out the Penguins I seemed to be surrounded by Germans who smelled like alcohol and were dancing around imitating the penguins. I am not stereotyping them. I am just stating what I saw. Maybe they were Austrian. I'm not very good with the accents. I'm sorry I didn't take any pictures. I was in awe.

Cape of ... movies?
- Ok, that one was a little weak. Travelling on my own has allowed me to spend the last 2 nights treating myself to a movie at the cinema. Yesterday was the Bill Murray/Jim Jarmusch film Broken Flowers. Today was a little more cheesy with The Family Stone. Any suggestions for tomorrow? Anyone see anything good lately? Emails or comments are always appreciated. JUST A REMINDER. hint hint.

6 Responses to “Cape of... (fill in the blank)”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    My wife and I loved "King Kong" (but that may not be your type of movie)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "The Constant Gardener" sounds really good. I would love to see it but it hasn't come here yet.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "The constant Gardener" is out on DVD in Canada.
    "Hostel" is a good movie to watch.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You’ve got to watch "The Constant Gardener." It has great scenery from the Lake Magadi and the Lake Turkana region and the story is great!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Henry, I have already seen King Kong! I liked it. As for the rest of your suggestions to see Constant Gardener I went and saw it and loved it! Good suggestion!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Gamaaaans? Ati?


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