Adventures in Africa

Watch your step

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There are a lot of holes in the ground here. I'm talking more than potholes. I'm talking open sewers, 2-foot deep moats between street and sidewalk and just random holes that are deep and rather dangerous. To add to this obstacle course, you have the objects that stick out of the ground. Like poles that aren't removed completely, but rather sawed off leaving a sharp metal pole sticking up 1/2 foot out of the ground. Perfect for stubbing and injuring toes if you are not careful. I was rather un-careful and did just that last week and my toe swelled up to TWICE it's size. It is ok now. But it did cause me to miss a day of climbing.

Karen is doing well considering she is usually the one to fall into such things as open sewers - ok, it hasn't happened before but I can totally picture it! I think she has been suffering a bit from the heat though. It is a really strong sun and quite hot in the daytime now, although it still gets chilly at night.

Walking around town you hear Christmas songs and it seems surreal. It seems more like summer vacation than Christmas to me. But I have a couple of little presents to open on the 25th, and a big dinner with Lauren & friends on the 24th should also be nice. I wonder if they would be up for singing carols?? The 25th we will be travelling to Mombasa but have made reservations at one of Kenya's premier establishments - Tamarind - a seafood restaurant that is quite famous around here. I am SO excited! One thing that keeps me awake at night though - crab or lobster?? BIG DECISION!

1 Responses to “Watch your step”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Definitely Lobster!

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